Monday 3 May 2010

Lord, You are My Only Goal, I only care for You!

Amen, this is indeed my prayer - Lord, You are my only goal! I don't care for anything or anyone else but You! I never would replace You, Lord, and I would never want to do this - I have everything, Lord, since I have You! The Lord is our treasure, He is the most Precious One, He is the Only One we desire.... Christ is actually the desire of all the nations. People think they want something else like fame, power, money, happiness, etc. - but even when they taste a little of these OTHER things, they are still not satisfied. When we have the Lord, we are happy - we are satisfied! This song expresses this so sweetly... - read the complete lyrics on or watch it on youtube (you can also order the full CD from the NYCYPCD - Splendid Church Life).
1. Lord, You are my only goal!
You're my only hope!
I only care for You!
I never could replace You,
And I would never want to.
I have everything, Lord—
I have You!

2. Lord, I only live for You—
Not anything else!
In everything You're my source;
No more good intentions,
No more right or wrong.
I don't want a "good" life—
I want You!
I say Amen, Lord - I just love You, and You are my only goal! Even when sometimes I don't have You in "full view", I don't pay full attention to You, I still say - Amen, Lord, re-direct my view towards You!

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