What is the goal of the gospel? Why do we believe in the Lord Jesus? This song, based on many experiences of the Lord and much truth discovered and recovered in the Bible, says that
The goal of the gospel is that
Loving the Lord Jesus
With the first love
We would pour out upon Him
Pour out upon Him
What is most precious to us.
Even our most costly and valuable
Spiritual treasures
Wasting ourselves upon Him
Even the disciples asked the Lord Jesus - Why this waste? Mary poured out her love offering upon the Lord - and to many, this was a waste. We do the same, as a goal of the gospel - we waste everything on the Lord Jesus, whom we love! We treasure the Lord so much that even our most costly and valuable treasures - both physical, psychological, and spiritual - we just waste upon the Lord. He is more precious and more worthy than our experiences, as dear and real they are. We love Him to the uttermost, and for Him we give up everything. This is the Gospel - the Saviour loving us so much that He gives Himself up for us, and the goal is that we love Him so much that we give ourselves to Him and "waste" ourselves upon Him(Matt 26:8).